How to cast a potion spell
How to cast a potion spell ?
Learning how to cast a spell is fundamental to witchcraft. While the details may vary according to your tradition and religious beliefs, the fundamentals are the same. All you have to do is follow the basic steps and with hard work and practice you may find the power of your magick increasing and the effectiveness of the spells more consistent with the results that you had hoped for.
Casting magic spells is actually very hard to learn once you understand the key principles of magick and the ideas behind the actions that you take.
Preparing yourself for casting spells
It is important to realize that magick spell casting is the channeling of the power of nature in alignment with your own life force. You must be ready to accept the power that you will draw within yourself so that you will not hold back because of fear and to let the force flow through you without resistance. While you do want the energy to be focused, you need to guide the energy and not try to force it.
In this regard you must allow yourself enough uninterrupted time to prepare and also to complete the spell. Practicing meditation will aid you greatly with the preparation and you should spend at least 60 minutes a day with meditation. This will help you to relax and let the energy that you gather flow through you in a focused manner.
Casting a circle
Casting a circle is critical for casting a spell. This is particularly true if you are new to working with magick. The reasons for this are well beyond the scope of this post but for simplicity sake the casting of the circle helps you to draw in the powers of nature and also protects you from negative outside influences.
The most powerful way to do this is to draw a large pentagram on the floor in which the center is large enough for you to stand or sit in. this can be done with salt, chalk if you are inside or can be drawn with a sick or wand if you are outside.
Be sure you have everything you need for the spell in the center with you and then draw the circle around the pentagram. It is important that nothing crosses the circle from the point of when you start the spell and until the spell is completed. The circle is your protection from negative energies.
Next call to the elements for their power. You can use any wording that works for you or that is used in your religious beliefs. As an example while facing the direction of earth recite “the powers of earth I request your presents in this undertaking.” Then proceed to do the same for air, fire, water and aether/spirit.
If in your religious beliefs you have attached yourself to any god /goddess or any other deity you would call them for help.
Focusing your will
Now that you have gathered the help of the elements and deities it is time to focus on the spell casting. The rule of good spell casting is that you must focus your will on your desired outcome. Most of the magic from the spells you cast will come from within yourself, and from your mind and spirit. You must concentrate clearly on your wishes and goals, why you’re casting the spell and what you want to see happen.
Visualize the outcome clearly and sharply in your head, the power is in the details, so be sure you can visualize it with all your senses. What does the outcome feel like, what will it look like, what will it sound like, etc. You also must mentally commit to putting all your energy and effort into achieving those goals from this point forward. Your belief in the magic is proportional with the power that you direct into the spell and also proportional to the results. The more you believe, the better your magic will be and so the better the results will be.
Performing rituals
Next comes the actual spell part. You will normally have found a spell somewhere – the library, a bookshop, or in the Internet somewhere. Spells usually consist of short, simple rituals such as lighting candles, mixing oils and herbs in water, simple movements or the arms and body, reciting incantations aloud and so on.
The spell is the tool which unlocks the power inside you and allows it to be released towards your goals. Having the correct spell will mean that the largest possible amount of power is released and so the spell will be most effective. You have to have the right tool for the job at hand.
After you finish casting the spell, turn towards each element and thank them for their help and also thank any deities that you have asked to help you in your spell. At this point the spell is complete and you can break the circle.
Finishing up
When the spell is finished, do not simply abandon the ideas and the goals you’ve committed to – now you must continue the magic by holding these things in your head at all times and continuing to focus on them. Every day, quickly run through a short visualization of your intended outcome and imagine yourself being happy, successful, loved and everything else you want to be. Eventually, with patience and practice, your magic will take effect and you will get everything you’ve ever wanted!
Please Note:
When using potions in your spells you most first make sure that you mix the potion right for the results that you would like to see happen.
•Make sure you know what you are doing when casting any spells your spell casting could back fire.
•Never cast any spells on yourself to gain wealth or anything else by doing so will come back on you 3 folds.
Things You'll Need
Down below here is a list of items you will need to be able to cast a potion spell.
1, herbs
2. oils
3. wax
6. salt
7. Watter
8. Fire.

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