
Showing posts with the label real spells real spell caster spell work spell casting spell caster best love spells love spell caster love spells love spells that work

Free Love Spells - Affordable, Yes, But Do They Really Work?

  As you may already know,   free love spells   are scattered all over the internet. Some of them are very easy to do, and require very few materials to complete the task. Some spells only require a pen and a paper. Some spells however are a bit complex and require a bit more time to prepare. Some also just use words or chants and a very strong imagination as well as visualization. Again, you may or may not already know that almost all spells require meditation. It is as if you are willing the magic to life through extreme concentration and quiet meditation. Yes,  free love spells  are very interesting to read, but to actually perform it? You might need a lot of will power. People might say that these so called spells have worked for them but it may not work for some people. So instead of doing exactly what these spells tell you to do, try to make the spell more your own. Add in some verses to the chants, add more herbs to the mixtures, light more candles of dif...

Finding a Real Spell

  So you are learning Magick and you want to find r eal spells , but what is a spell? Can anyone cast a spell? Is it like Harry Potter where I just say a few funny words, wave my wand around and "poof" what I want appears? Of course not. But there are spells out there that really work. We need to define, what is a spell? defines a spell as "a word, phrase, or form of words supposed to have magic power; charm; incantation: The wizard cast a spell; a state or period of enchantment: She was under a spell; any dominating or irresistible influence; fascination: the spell of fine music." So a s Spell is words (and actions) used to focus energy to influence a desired result. We need to understand, what is the difference between white Magick and black Magick? White Magick spells use positive energy while Black Magick spells use negative energy to accomplish the result. It is the intent of the caster that determines if the energy gathered is white or black. If you are attemp...